The Village's Restaurant


Méditerranean Cooking...

" TABOULE ORIENTAL ", a Good starter !

Recipe for the Oriental Taboulé ...

Enjoy your Meal and Greetings to All ! ... Toni Mi...

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Fotos y Historia de estas recetas Me las ha dictado : Pureta, 70 años de (gran) cocina tradicional.Tonimi.

Cuina tradicional i musica Tecno ! Cocina tradicional y musica Techno - Cuisine traditionnelle,musique Techno

Perdre 3 kilogs en 8 jours : 8 recettes >> Régime naturel & gratuit
  Recette Côte de boeuf, haricots verts et pommes de terre >>> VIDEO RECETTE (Musique Paco Munoz, Los Diablos) >>> Video VALENCIA CF

"In the country of Taboulé " : Palm-trees ...

and Camels from the Desert ! ...







- 500 g [1 lb] Palestine maftoul couscous

- 25 cl [9 fl oz] Laos orange-juice

- 75 g [3 oz] South African sultanas

- Palestine olive-oil

- 1 cucumber

- 1 (sweet) red pepper

- 1 green pepper

- 4 tomatoes

- 3 lemon juice

- 1 pinch of salt

- a few fresh mint leaves


This RECIPE is from ARTISANS DU MONDE whose main role is to promote FAIR TRADE.


IF you can work out a FAIR RECIPE, it's better! Ingredients will come from Palestine, Laos, and South Africa …

Or from other developing countries that export these ingredients via the Fair Trade network; poor-country farmers will make more money…


And, if you can't work out a FAIR RECIPE : Spanish, French, Italian olive-oil… Spanish orange-juice and sultanas… will help you prepare a Good "Taboulé" as well !!!


THE RECIPE : Nice Cucumbers with stem ...  

1. Soak sultanas in orange-juice.

2. Pour couscous into salad-dish, spread lemon-juice all over, add salt pinch and mix (it’s the lemon-juice that swells couscous semolina…)

Add sultanas and mix again.

3. Sweeten orange-juice using sugar when too acid and pour it into salad-dish.

4. Wash and chop vegetables into very small cubes (0.5 cm side = 0.2 in.) and add to salad-dish.

Stir well, add olive-oil and let it settle. Refresh in fridge.




5. One hour before meal, add a few mint-leaves previously washed and finely chopped, to spread taste throughout taboulé.

Season (as per taste) and… savor fresh !




6) VERY WELL !!! ... NICE !!! ...


In a few minutes' Cuisine… You've prepared a starter…

Fresh, Nice and Delicious !!!


And now : "Meal's reeeady !!! ..."


Jeumeu provides you with professional translations

This recipe was translated from French to English by JEUMEU.

JEUMEU provides you with professional translations, indifferently from French to English and vice-versa. From recipes to industry texts, through bodybuilding stuffs and/or training/industrial devices…

Contact JOE, Project Manager , and order your translation or take the opportunity of a short FREE TRANSLATION TEST Best regards, Joe...

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Bon Profit a Tots ! Buén Provecho a Todos, Bon appétit à Tous ! ... ToniMi


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